How to view saved password in google chrome

In this post i will show you a simple but very powerful trick  to view or hack saved password in google chrome. It does not  matter for which website the password is saved it will work on all of them. It will work on Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo, twitter and many more. If you get your hands on your friend computer  you can hack their password with this simple little trick. It does not require any software or addons to be installed on your computer. Lets get started.

How to do that ?

1. Open any website where password is saved by user. Here i will demonstrate with facebook but it will work on any website.
2. Right click on password(Dots or asterisks) as shown in below image.
3.Then click on Inspect element.

4.Then change Password to text as shown in below picture.

  • Before changing it will look like below:

  •  After changing it will look like below:

5. Done now asterisk or dots will changed to text.

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