5 Steps To Make Money With Affiliate Program

Make-Money-With-Affiliate-ProgramHappy Easter!!! Everyone, today am gonna show you a new way of making money online cos #new month #new easter and #2015 we got to make the money for sure....let's get to business before I go use mouth spoil everything.

Affiliate marketing is one of the fundamental things people who want to make money online do. People are making money online with affiliate marketing. So what is affiliate marketing?
How can I make money from affiliate marketing? And many more questions are what people wants to know.

How affiliate marketing came to existence

Before we start, let see how affiliate marketing came to existence. Affiliate marketing came to existence about 4 years after the existence of the World Wide Web in November 1994; believe it or not, “Cyber erotica” is credited for being the first or one of the first affiliate marketing originator which use a CPC (cost per click) program. But then, affiliate marketing wasn’t taken serious. But as time goes on,people started to discover the goldmine of affiliate marketing. What made affiliate marketing suitable is the low investment it requires, and huge profit potential you gain.

How does Affiliate marketing Works?
If you haven’t done affiliate programs before, it is very simple. You may not be familiar with names such as reseller programs, revenue-sharing programs, and referral programs. e.t.c. Affiliate marketing stands on three legs which are *seller/brand,*affiliate/middle man and the *customer/buyer. For example, I have a product/services I want to sell, you as an affiliate/middleman will use your blog, website, social bookmaking site or whatever else way to promote my product/service, and send buyers to my website. Any time someone sent by you buys a product/service from me, you will get a pre agreed percentage of the revenue earned from sales to that customer.

5 Steps for making money through affiliate marketing

You can make money with affiliate marketing without a website/blog. Unlike other business, you will need to put some effort and hard work into it.
Here are some important steps you need to take in order to make money online with affiliate marketing.

• Get a blog or a website

Having a website or blog will allow you to place your affiliate links there and reach more potential customers, thus having a better chance of making more money as an affiliate marketer. Of course having your own domain (you.com) will make you look more credible and gives you more control.
Webhosting companies like hostmonster or godaddy and many other offer affordable domain registering and hosting these days. If you prefer to start with no investment you can get a free website or blog using like blogger, typepad, wordpress, and etc. If you find it difficult to create a blog, or you need a professional blog contact  admin@kinzloaded

• Choose a product or service to sell

With affiliate marketing you can sell virtually anything, from electronics and jewelry to tools,books, clothing and even food. So, to start making money with affiliate marketing, you have many option to choose from. But, it is suggested that you try to select something that you are passionate about, and have some knowledge about it. Choosing a product you know about will help you make a better strategy based on what you think would be attractive about the product/service. To find a product to promote, register for free with affiliate marketing networks such as ClickBank, MaxBounty, Commission Junction and etc. These sites can make it easy for you to find an available product to promote and get paid for.

• Write quality content related to your niche

Now you have your site and your product. But,You can’t have people coming to an empty page(your site), with one link on it, and expect them to buy or even come back or bring another potential buyer with them. In order for people to visit your site and eventually click on your affiliate marketing link, you have to have quality and useful content on your site.

You can either research and write your own content, or pay someone to write them for you. You can also use PLR articles to create content for your site.

• Drive quality traffic to your site

Here comes the most important part. You have everything ready, but nobody knows where you are, or how to find you! In order to make money with affiliate marketing, you need traffic, quality traffic to be exact. How do you get good traffic? Well, there are different ways to drive quality targeted traffic to your site, like paid advertisement (google adwords,yahoo,…), classified ads (craigslist, backpage,…), article marketing (articlesbase, associated content,…) , email marketing and many more.

• Watch, read, ask and learn

Famous Greek philosophers, Socrates(469-399) once said ” the day you decide you’re done learning and think you know everything is the day that you become stupid and don’t know anything yet”(not the exact phrase, sorry i could not remember the exact phrase, but its close enough). Take advantage of online forums focused on affiliate marketing to add to your knowledge, and learn how other more experienced affiliate marketers have made it.

Forums like Warrior Forum and Digital Point are good places to learn.

This is the simple yet effective system that successful affiliate marketers use to make money with affiliate marketing. Just don’t forget that it takes time and plenty of hard work to succeed in affiliate marketing. It may be a while before you make any money, but if you combine your effort with hard work and passion, you will succeed !!

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