Apple makes 'Self-Healing' System For Waterproof Electronic Devices

Apple has designed a new system of waterproofing electronic devices using “self-healing” seals that make ports and other holes in the hardware airtight. The technology, which is detailed in a new patent published by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, could lead to waterproof iPhones in the future.

Apple’s patent is titled “Electronic device with connector,” and it describes a method of protecting mobile gadgets with “self-healing elastomer.” The material is designed to seal ports — such as the Lightning connector and headphone jack — to prevent water and dust from entering the device.
The material is then pierced when users insert cables, allowing the device to be charged or connected to headphones and other peripherals — and then it automatically heals itself again to form another airtight seal when the cable is removed.
Not only would this protect liquid and dust from entering devices like the iPhone, but it could also prevent lint build ups inside the Lightning port and headphone jack over time — which a common problem with today’s devices.
Of course, Apple patents are never a guarantee of things to come, so there’s nothing to suggest this technology will make its way into a future iPhone. But Apple has devised a number of methods in which it could make future iPhones waterproof, so this certainly seems to be one of its goals.

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